Selecting or Changing Your EHR
You’ve no doubt heard lots of chatter the past several months about changing EHRs. Today, I’m sharing my EHR experiences and clarifying any questions you might have about it and how you could make such a change.
The View from Midway
Have you ever made it to the top of the mountain? Views from the top are great, but it also serves us well to regard the view from midway.
Therapist FAQS: Your top 5 questions, answered
Today I’m sharing my thoughts on some of the top questions I hear from therapists.
Essential Self Care for Helpers and Healers
Truly radical self care starts with understanding your values to establish your needs, finding balance and boundaries in the various aspects of our lives, and engaging in consistent, actionable practices that fill your cup.
Practice Organization: the 3 Tools You Need
My ticket to managing overwhelm has been staying on top of my practice organization and using my organization tools with consistency. I’ll show you how to integrate all of this into a well-oiled organization machine.